Thursday, December 9, 2010

Staying Effective - New Businesses

My mom sent this article about productivity to me. The most effective people learn how to manage their time to their benefit. Essentially, working smarter not harder. Below is the entire email sent by Ben Reinberg of Alliance Equities:

6 Tips for Personal Productivity.

1. Use Lists - Plan Your Years, Months, Weeks, and Days

Let's begin with the basics: Planning. This is the foundation piece for ALL successful professionals! You must write out a list for what you want to accomplish daily, weekly, monthly, and even annually. If you constantly focus on the 'daily stuff,' it keeps you in the 'react' mode and you will never get to the 'bigger stuff'.

The act of writing down what you want to accomplish sharpens your thinking, and by simply using a list, your productivity will increase by 25% -- WOW! So if you are used to going through the day keeping everything in your head, I suggest you begin writing it down - starting today.

An extremely powerful exercise is to work off of a master list you use for the year; have a planning meeting and map out the entire year, breaking things down into monthly, weekly, and even daily tasks.

Plan daily each morning. If you prefer, you could do this nightly, thereby allowing your sub-conscious mind to get a head start the night before!

2. Understand Tasks vs. Projects

If you're feeling overwhelmed with something on your list or if something is hanging over you, it's probably a project and needs to be managed like a project. Break the project down into tasks - this will help you move faster and be in control.

Brian Tracy recommends breaking projects up into 5 steps:

1. Start with the completed result you want. For example, you might want a website consisting of 5 pages.
2. List every step A-Z (be vigorous with this)
3. Organize by sequence and importance. If any steps are out of order - rearrange or flag priority steps and move them up.
4. Delegate tasks or assign responsibility.
5. Track project as necessary.

When mapping out a project ask, "What could go wrong" and be prepared.

3. Use the 80/20 Rule

You've heard about Pareto's 80/20 rule (Pareto was an Italian economist) where a vital few control the majority, right? 80% of your income, joy, and success come from 20% of your activities. Only 2 out of your current 10 activities are paying off.

The trick is discovering the 20% that are paying off. Ask yourself what's working in your business and what's not. Identify the things that are generating the best results.

4. Have a Single Focus

Stop allowing distractions! Work on a single outcome. It takes 5 times longer to work on a project if you start-stop-and start again. If you train yourself to plow through a task or project uninterrupted, you will complete it 5 times faster.

If you allow people to intrude on you, you will never get anything done. The open door policy is ineffective and not meant for those who need to accomplish many tasks during the day!

Use a timer to help you stay focused and set in 30-60 minute increments; the timer forces a mental and physical shift in focus.

5. Delegate Everything Possible

Let's get back to the 80/20 rule - identify the 80% of your activities that are not making you money but still need to be done. For example, returning certain calls. Whenever possible delegate these tasks to support staff.

6. Get Organized

Stop saving everything - get lean! Clutter affects you not only physically, but it affects your mental capacity as well. Hire a professional organizer ( and get help with this.

There are two types - filers and pilers. Using extra large zip lock bags work extremely well for pilers (I'm getting a box of these today!); use them for projects, piles of notes on a related topic, general stuff, anything. The magic of these bags is they allow you to visually see the contents.

The most useful file is the circular file(this is your trash can) - use it . 80% of what we file never gets looked at again. When in doubt - throw it out!

You lose so much time looking for things, it gets embarrassing.

- Article by Ben Reinberg

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Playboy, Lady Gaga and Effective Social Media

I recently answered questions for a job regarding social media. I looked into Playboy and Lady Gaga's social media tactics and why they worked. The last question involves tracking the results of your social media campaign.

1. What brand do you think does the best job of leveraging social media? Tell us why.

Social Media Campaigns still possess room for development in the growing digital media world. Playboy Enterprises reigns among the best in leveraging social media. Playboy spans over the Internet, with multiple social media outlets through Facebook, Twitter, and niche websites.

The Playboy Facebook page leverages social media well because it is frequently updated with new material. Users can interact with the content by ‘liking’ or commenting on the material. Each wall post contains thousands of ‘likes’ and hundreds of comments, while the entire page boasts over 3.7 million fans.

Giving viewers the opportunity to interact with the content brings them closer to the brand. They feel a personal connection to the brands they comment on and interact with. This builds brand loyalty and keeps the brand name at consumers’ top-of-mind. Therefore, Playboy utilizes social media by communicating with their viewers and by updating interactive content on their multiple social media platforms.

Creating interactive online advertising allows brands to tap into the 500 million active Facebook users to create new ‘fans’ and consumers. Playboy’s Miss Social represents an interactive promotions campaign. Users will join Miss Social and spread the word to others about the Playboy contest, thus spreading the word about the Playboy brand name. Tapping consumers to aid in word-of-mouth and viral marketing helps Playboy build relationships with more viewers. People respond to brand referrals from friends and acquaintances because they are introduced to the brand on a personal level.

The Smoking Jacket posts new information frequently so that viewers continually check back to the website to view new content. The top of the website facilitates user sharing by placing an RSS feed, Facebook, and Twitter button at the top of the page; in addition to the Digg, Stumble Upon, and other share features at the bottom of the page. Creating a viral, work safe Playboy website generates brand disciples. Loyal viewers will share TSJ content and create new viewers resulting in a more profitable site.

Playboy leverages social media by creating interactive media, constantly stimulating viewers and by creating viral content. Continually developing ways to engage users will keep consumers loyal and interested. While increasing sharable content, such as contests and interesting articles, will generate new viewers through viral marketing.

2. What person do you think does the best job of leveraging social media? Tell us why.

Lady Gaga. With more than 7.2 million Twitter followers, 24 million Facebook fans, and over one billion views on Youtube; Lady Gaga transformed herself into a brand by utilizing strategic, social media programs.

She is so confident in her social media status she joined a charity effort to raise money by quitting social media. The campaign benefits Alicia Keys' AIDS charity, Keep a Child Alive. The “Digital Life Sacrifice” involves multiple stars giving up their social media lives until the charity raises $1 million dollars in charity.

Lady Gaga offers her fans constant updates of her life and interactive web content. Fans can connect with her through Facebook and Twitter and she links her social media to her products - music downloads and music videos.

Lady Gaga Google Search Results
The numbers on the graph reflect the number of searches that have been done for a particular term, relative to the total number of searches done on Google over time.

Charity Article
Statistics on Lady Gaga

3. Name one Must-Have tool or app for being active in social media.

Tracking the effects of the social media is equally as important as being active in social media. Google Alerts and Social Media Mention offer services to find when your business is mentioned online. It is important to know who says what about your brand.

While Public Relations maintains a brand’s public image, businesses must be concerned with their online image as well. A poorly sustained social media site reflects negatively on the brand. Social Media is an all-encompassing facet of a business’ media campaign. The social media pages and outlets should reflect the business’ brand image of the business.

Good Article About Tools and Apps:

Friday, December 3, 2010

Importance of Social Media Campaigns

Article In Focus.

"Mountain Dew Dewmocracy: 5 Elements of Successful Use of Social Media" written by Merriam Associates outlines the following guidelines for social media campaigns:

1) Social Media Needs to Be On Brand:
2) Social Media Takes Planning and Investment:
3) Social Media Is About the Conversation:
4) Social Media Is Integrated with Other Marketing Communications:
5) [Social Media must be] Genuine:

Social Media developed into a key marketing component long before this article was posted in October 2010. Businesses need to keep a critical eye on their social media efforts and, like any other marketing program, keep it in line with their brand and target market.

Keeping track of a company's Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and/or other social media outlets is a full time job. Companies will find it is more profitable to hire a Social Media Director in addition to their current Communications Manager(s). Merriam's Element number 3, "Social Media is about the conversation," reveals that social media needs to be a back and forth between the consumer and the business. Consumers, with the ability to actively participate, want to communicate and interact with the brands they trust.

Interaction with consumers builds trust and brand loyalty among consumers. Before the Industrial Revolution, consumers trusted the stores within their town or neighborhood because they had a rapport with the owners. Following the Industrial Revolution when products were imported into towns by trains, consumers trusted the brands that they saw advertised. The advertisements guaranteed that the products were of a certain measure. For instance, consumers trusted household goods that promised to make women's household chores easier.

Now, companies are able to converse with consumers over social media; inviting consumers to participate with and contribute to their brands, ask questions, provide feedback and offer suggestions. Yet, some businesses are still not taking advantage of this quality line of communication.

While poor execution of a marketing or advertising campaign reflects negatively on a brand, so does a lackluster social media campaign. If your company puts up a digital store front, or social media page, it needs to be open for business and maintained. That means answering consumers questions, interacting with them, or providing lines for customers to participate in your brand or service.

Utilizing social media is inexpensive and should be treated with the same level of execution as other facets of marketing and media programs.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

"Like-vertising" - Facebook Company Pages

Adweek posted an article about companys' trends towards social marketing, "The Dawn of Likevertising" by Brian Morrissey. While the article explains a new way to target consumers, the importance of social media presence and social media strategy arises.

Creating a Facebook page is relevant to brands and companies interested in engaging with influential consumers. Engaging in other social media increases brand and consumer relations, but for now, we are talking about enticing consumers to 'like' your business as it pertains to Facebook.

Facebook became an online social news media source sometime after the 'newsfeed' feature was added. Thus, people who "like" and check your company's page will receive news-like updates of everything you post on your status updates. There are two important factors that go into a company's page; getting consumers to "like" your page initially and then posting updates that entice consumers to buy your product, utilize your service, or visit your website.

Encouraging consumers to 'like' your product on their own accord allows them to feel like they are reaching out to brands they enjoy instead of feeling bombarded by unwanted messages online (think the dreaded pop-up message feelings of retreat). The trick involves seducing masses of people to 'like' your page at once through strategic planning.

More successful campaigns prompt consumers to interact with the brand. Offering free items or discounts to new users who 'like' the page sends many rushing to 'like' your brand. Then, you have a platform to communicate to these new users and the consumers have a positive attitude towards your brand because they received a great deal.

Generating a Facebook competition drives new users to 'like' your page and converts then into brand ambassadors for your page, or Facebook platform. For example, Belvedere Vodka held a competition to find the next Brand Ambassador for their brand. In order to enter you had to 'like' their page. This brought in new users looking to win the competition. Belvedere then had users vote on the videos, encouraging the video posters to rally their friends to vote and 'like' the page. Therefore, Belvedere attracted users to their page, and then created mini-spokesman out of them, attracting even more users.

Finding unique and compelling ways to attract consumers to your company's page allows you to build a relationship with consumers that is mutual, as oppose to pushy or overbearing. Involving the consumer in the company builds brand trust and loyalty in addition to providing a platform to converse with the customer.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

KZ Creative Initiative

KZ Creative developed in response to new businesses created by young entrepreneurs, which can survive solely online. The advent of the internet and the rise of social media creates opportunity for tremendous growth in these new online companies.

While older, less tech-savvy generations fail to understand the power and marketing advantage of new communication technologies, like social media and online advertising, young entrepreneurs capitalize on their online social networks to gain profits.

For example, I have 2 Facebook accounts, 1 MySpace, 3 Google email accounts, 1 UW email, 1 Twitter account, 1 Flicker account, 1 LinkedIn account, 1 talent account, and 1 painting community that I participate in. I have over 1000 contacts online and that does not include my past job connections, new friends, family, acquaintances, and family friends. If I contact everyone I know about my new business and I only get a %5 percent response rate from (1000) people asking for my services, that's 50 clients. And as a single person Advertising Agency, I think I could only handle 5 clients by myself before I start hiring interns.

Utilizing new technology is the advertising wave of the future. Advertising is moving back to a conversation between companies and consumers. Companies can communicate to consumers more effectively and consumers can provide instant feedback through the Internet. The ideal target market (18-24, disposable income) interacts online and advertisers can reach them economically online. While creating a Facebook page for your business is free, a traditional newspaper ad campaign will cost a business thousands of dollars.

KZ Creative will thrive off of the use of online media and network marketing.

Recent college graduates grew up with the internet and online tools, plus they possess the analytical skills to utilize online resources. In the past four years, I learned how to research online- evaluating websites, utilizing social media as a web source, in addition to traditional research on web databases. Therefore, I know how to utilize the internet for advertising purposes.

KZ Creative will conduct ethnographic studies on new online communities and marketing tactics that it explores. Recording research in new areas, such as Facebook ads and online marketing, will foster more efficient advertising and website development to attract online sponsors.